Sunday 15 May 2005

more NY

well, some of my stereotypes are holding up better than others.... I walked down to the Empire State building today, from Tzvika's v swish flat on Central Park West. (Does he actually own this place? Please god, tell me he doesn't.)

I know it was sunday and the park and everything but I have to say it doesn't so far seem like a fast paced city. It's positively chilled compared to London. People are taking their kids for a stroll everywhere. It's very clean and feels really safe. I guess if you walked through Hyde Park or Regent's Park you might feel the same. But even down in Times Square it is fairly relaxed and friendly.

Exciting too though. I saw a man trying to fish in Central Park with a little green mechanical fish on the end of his line.

I went up the Empire State building. It seems like a well-run fool-money separation organization (note to Americans: kind of like all of England, right?) but the view at the top is wow. It was extremely peaceful.

As for the women and investment bankers... yeah, that still seems bang on the money. I would add one other category: joggers. These beings are mostly found in the parks. Joggers are not really in the whole mating game: they reproduce asexually. A lot of joggers together is called a demonstration.

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